Everyone should understand their own health

Our purpose

Deversify’s purpose is to build and drive change in the new eco system for consumer health. We do this by bringing forth new technology and education to consumers which enable them to empower themselves.

Deversify innovate, develop, and commercialise mobile electronic breathalyzers for the consumers market as well as for businesses and health care providers. We deliver precision wellness and health.

As a response to the increasing metabolic unhealth globally, we have created a general breath analysis platform – both hardware and software – because we believe regular, repeatable, accurate measurements are key to understanding each individual’s nutritional needs and metabolism.

We also believe in education. Beyond our hardware and the general breath analysis platform, we have invested in an education platform – Elitista – and education programmes centred around personalised nutrition and wellbeing.

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What we do

Deversify is a Swedish R&D company offering healthtech solutions for improved individual health and wellbeing. We do this by providing a powerful tool through a combination of hardware, software, education, and research. We innovate, develop, and commercialise mobile electronic breathalyzers for the consumer market as well as for businesses and health care providers.

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How we do it

In collaboration with strategic partners we detect and respond to market needs regarding novel ways of measuring biomarkers in exhaled breath. We also educate individuals, businesses, government institutions, and health care providers in metabolic unhealth and how to reverse it.

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Our journey

  • 2023

    Deversify expanded into several new countries with Acetrack

  • 2022

    Deversify selected for EIT health´s Bridgehead programme 2022

  • 2021

    Agreement with RLVNT for Acetrack distribution in EU
    Elitista education platform is acquired
    Selected for the EIT Health Accelerator Programme in France

  • 2020

    Selected for the Uppsala Innovation Centre Business Accelerator Programme
    Expansion in Scandinavia and UK

  • 2019

    Selected for the Katapult Accelerator
    Winner of “Best Startup within Health & Wellbeing” in Bologna

  • 2018

    Winner of the Bona Postulata Award
    Acetrack sold via the Amazon Global Seller Account

  • 2017

    First fully functional prototypes of Acetrack built

  • 2016

    Deversify AB was founded

The Sugarfree Day 2024 a success!


Wrapping up this year's Sugarfree Day, we conclude we had a sold out A-huset and many more online. The adjacent exhibition displayed all aspects of metabolic health initiatives, including our own Metabolic Screening, Acetrack and book sales (that sold out!)

Ringing the bell at Nasdaq!


What a day for us all - thanks for everyone involved throughout the years!

Distribution agreement with Belgian digital pharmacy Newpharma


Uppsala, 20240820 — Deversify Health AB (publ) ("Deversify"), which was recently listed on Nasdaq First North through a reverse acquisition, has signed a distribution agreement with Belgian pharmacy chain Newpharma SRL ("Newpharma") and their subsidiary Smart Value Distribution SRL for resale of Acetrack in central Western Europe. As far as resellers are concerned, Deversify currently only has such dealers in Sweden and offers Acetrack in the rest of Europe and the world exclusively through its own channels. The agreement with Newpharma means that two new milestones are achieved: part resale in central Europe and part distribution to end customers through digital and physical pharmacies. Newpharma is a fast-growing pharmacy chain with e-commerce in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria and Switzerland and was among other things voted France's best e-pharmacy in 2023. Their distribution company also delivers to other pharmacies around the region, in in most cases physical pharmacies. Newpharma also has a close connection with Yooboo, which is a Belgian opinion leader around the importance of lifestyle changes. "The fact that we are starting to find local sales channels and logistics partners out in continental Europe is a good sign that the demand for solutions such as Acetrack offers is rising," says Anders Murman, CEO of Deversify. "The fact that it also comes from an actor such as Newpharma, with a modern approach to lifestyle changes and which tries to change how the pharmacy's role in society can become more holistic, is gratifying as it is completely in line with Deversify's view of how health improvements can be achieved without necessarily always rely on medicine."

SPA for reverse take-over of Euroafrica Digital Ventures announced


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CategoryPress release

Euroafrica genomför omvänt förvärv av Deversify

Plattforms- och mediabolaget Euroafrica har ingått avtal om att göra ett omvänt förvärv av Deversify. Strukturaffären innebär en utspädning för Euroafricas aktieägare om 90 procent. Mosiki Svenska kommer att bli bolagets största aktieägare med ett aktieinnehav om cirka 12,5 procent efter genomförande av det omvända förvärvet. Inga andra aktieägare kommer inneha mer än 10 procent.

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Euroafrica Digital Ventures AB ingår avsiktsförklaring avseende omvänt förvärv av Deversify AB villkorat avyttring av dotterbolag

Euroafrica Digital Ventures AB ("Bolaget" eller "Euroafrica Digital Ventures") har ingått en avsiktsförklaring med majoritetsägarna i Deversify AB ("Deversify") genom vilken Euroafrica Digital Ventures ska förvärva samtliga aktier i Deversify ("Transaktionen"). Transaktionen är villkorad av att Bolaget avyttrar verksamheten i dotterbolaget Kupatana AB vartefter Kupatana AB avyttras samt att dotterbolagen Social Content AB och Afrieuro Digital Ventures Ltd. ("Dotterbolagen") avyttras och att extra bolagsstämma godkänner avyttringarna. Förhandlingar avseende avyttring av verksamheten i Kupatana AB och Dotterbolagen pågår och Bolaget avser att uppdatera marknaden så snart en överenskommelse är på plats. Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma för godkännande av avyttringarna kommer att offentliggöras genom separat pressmeddelande. Förutsatt att ett aktieöverlåtelseavtal ingås och fullföljs, att en tillfredsställande Due Diligence genomförs och att sedvanliga villkor uppfylls, avser Transaktionen att slutföras under det första halvåret 2024.

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Deversify’s breathalyser Acetack introduced on the Dutch market

KetoFitShop, the Netherlands-based company for metabolic health products such as low- carb, keto and gluten free solutions, is partnering with the Swedish health technology company Deversify to bring the ketone breathalyser Acetrack to further European markets.

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Deversify launches in Spain and in Portugal

Deversify takes the next step in Europe and enters the Spanish and Portuguese markets. The launch begins in Spain now in March, where Acetrack, Deversify's breathalyser that measures fat burning, will be launched. The expansion takes place in collaboration with EIT Health's Bridgehead Programme, which aims to facilitate market entry for European health entrepreneurs with the support of top local incubators and catalysts.

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Deversify and Diet Doctor start collaboration to improve metabolic health

Deversify and the health company Diet Doctor enter a commercial collaboration where existing products and services are combined and offered to both companies' customer bases. Deversify is world leading in the measurement of biomarkers in exhaled air as well as digital educational programs around metabolic health.

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Tomorrow, the 12(th) of october, is the sugar free day

Tomorrow, the 12th of October, is the Sugar Free Day. Many people eat too much sugar, although most people know that many lifestyle diseases are linked to excessive sugar intake. Tomorrow, the 12th of October is the Sugar Free Day, a physical event is organised at Epicenter in Stockholm, as well as the opportunity to participate digitally.

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Deversify selected for EIT health´s Bridgehead programme 2022

Deversify AB is a Swedish health tech company offering solutions for improved individual health and wellbeing. The company has been handpicked as one of 29 start-ups and scale-ups to participate in the prestigious Bridgehead Programme. Bridgehead serves to support promising health companies in gaining crucial connections and experience through EIT Health’s vast and diverse network.

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Deversify AB strengthens board of directors and secures international VC investment

Deversify AB is a Swedish health tech company offering solutions for improved individual health and wellbeing. Following Deversify’s Annual General Meeting, a new Board of Directors has been appointed, the intention being for the Board to reflect the company's most recent developments and next priorities. Lena Söderström, professional Board Director, will be the new Chairman of the Board, consisting of Åsa Lang, CSO and Co-Founder at Deversify and Johan Willdeck, Head of M&A at Omegapoint.

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Deversify acquires Elitista, one of Sweden's leading educational companies in metabolic health

Elitista targets middle-aged women — one of Deversify's main customer groups for the ketone monitoring breathalyzer Acetrack.

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Deversify enters development agreement on new microsensors

Deversify AB announced today that they have signed a hardware research and development agreement with GattyInstruments AB – a start-up from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) with business focused on nano and MEMS technology for sensors.

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Deversify selects Partner Fondkommisionen as financial advisor

Deversify AB announced today that they have signed an agreement with Partner Fondkommission to act as Deversify’s financial advisor with a focus on Deversify’s planned fundraising 2021.

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