Deversify build and drive change in the emerging eco system for consumer health.
Why we exist
Deversify build and drive change in the emerging eco system for consumer health. We do this by bringing forth new technology and education to consumers which enable them to empower themselves.
To empower consumers to understand their own health even better, we provide hardware and apps that inspire and enable daily monitoring of biomarkers to detect meta trends regarding changes in individual health and wellbeing.
To further support the process of understanding individual health and lifestyle changes, we provide tailor-made education of how to reverse metabolic unhealth to becoming metabolic health. This includes lectures, seminars, and one-to-one coaching through world-class education.
To increase consumers’ knowledge as well as knowledge regarding consumer health, Deversify will collect, analyse, and perform research on data generated from our products. New knowledge and broadened experiences will be re-communicated both to the consumers for increased product value as well as to the academia research community.
Deversify’s goal is to be the leading provider of consumer health products for improved fact-based wellbeing globally.
“Deversify’s vision is that everyone should understand their own health. You might think this is obvious, but we have learned that many people out there do not feel so well and that this in many cases can be related to lifestyle choices. We really want to contribute to a healthier world. Not only through the products we bring to the market but also by driving change in the new and emerging consumer health ecosystem.”

Deversify’s work contributes to improved individual health and wellbeing globally. We support the UN Sustainability Goals by integrating the mindset of sustainable oriented innovation and development into our DNA.
We encourage and empower our staff to think and live sustainably. We do this through education as well as certification and standardisation of our business processes.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
The UN Sustainable Development Goals are relevant and important goals to improve life globally. We have chosen to focus our emphasis on SDG Goal 3 and 5 because these goals are close to the heart of Deversify’s business and team members.
SDG Goal 3
Deversify specifically contribute to Sustainability goal number 3.4 which is to reduce, by one third, premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being. By providing novel solutions directly to the consumer health market, we empower consumers to understand their health better. In this way, we contribute to increased awareness regarding non-communicable diseases and how to work preventable for improved metabolic health.
SDG Goal 5
Deversify believes in gender equality. We actively promote Sustainable Development Goal 5 with sub-goal 5.5, 5.B and 5.C.
The Goal 5.5 ensures women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life. We contribute to this goal by actively choosing to employ ‘every other lady’s’ in our organisation. We discriminate in advantage of women, or men. This is visible in the board, the management team and employees, and among hired consultants. We also address Goal 5C, to adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels, by formalising this in our policies and procedures.
We are also very happy to address Goal 5.B that enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women. Many women experience difficulties in getting the right treatment from public health care providers. They become what in Sweden is called as ‘vårdvandrare’, i.e. care seekers, persons who continuously seek help for various symptoms but do not receive the right help. We provide hardware, apps and education to mitigate this problem and to empower women’s health and wellbeing.

Our vision
Everyone should understand their own health.
Our mission
Deversify is a Swedish R&D company offering healthtech solutions for increased individual health and wellbeing. We do this by providing a powerful tool through a combination of hardware, software, education, and research.
Deversify’s goal is to be the leading provider of consumer health products for improved, fact-based wellbeing globally. Developing devices and health solutions that respect and honour human diversity.